Tag Archives: TSH

Think You May Be Hypothyroid? There’s an App for That!
Posted on 10. Oct, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
Watch out doctors! You’re now being replaced by smart-phones. Let’s face it; at the pace that technology is advancing today, it’s only a matter of time before your smart phone will be able to diagnose your health problems before you can even look up your doctor’s phone number. (I just hope you are smart enough to add the optional medical mal-practice insurance to your smart phone plan just in case your phone get’s it wrong. […]
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Why All Thyroid Tests Suck
Posted on 18. Jun, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But if I don’t tell you, then no one else will. Oftentimes you look to your doctor for answers and you’ve been raised to believe that your doctors knows exactly what is going on with your health and exactly what to do about it. But, I’m here to tell you that your doctor and the medical profession in general is more confused than ever regarding hypothyroidism, […]