Tag Archives: hypothyroidism

2 Simple Diet Tips for Turkey Day
Posted on 21. Nov, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
Tomorrow, millions of people will come together with their family and friends to spend time with loved ones they oftentimes don’t see often enough, and give thanks for the important things in life. Sometimes it can be difficult to be thankful for your health, especially when there are roadblocks like hypothyroidism and its many related diseases that are getting in the way of you feeling like your former healthy self. But it’s also important not […]
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How to Exercise Safely with Hypothyroidism
Posted on 17. Oct, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
Generally speaking, people don’t do well with moderation and complacency. Instead, people tend to have this obsession with extremes. We tend to live with a “more is better” type of mindset today. People want to drive the fastest cars even though they are stuck driving 45 mph to work every day (72 kph for those of you on the metric system). People will spend twice as much for a TV that has a measly inch […]
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Walking Burns More Calories Than Running?
Posted on 15. Oct, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
When it comes to exercise, there’s a lot that we don’t understand. While everyone is led to believe that exercise is something that is always beneficial for our health, if you suffer from hypothyroidism, then exercise can quickly become dangerous and pose a serious risk to your thyroid and health. This has become a very serious problem because so many hypothyroidism sufferers are incorrectly and dangerously using exercise as a means of trying to control […]
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Think You May Be Hypothyroid? There’s an App for That!
Posted on 10. Oct, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
Watch out doctors! You’re now being replaced by smart-phones. Let’s face it; at the pace that technology is advancing today, it’s only a matter of time before your smart phone will be able to diagnose your health problems before you can even look up your doctor’s phone number. (I just hope you are smart enough to add the optional medical mal-practice insurance to your smart phone plan just in case your phone get’s it wrong. […]
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Is Your Cookware Poisoning You?
Posted on 02. Aug, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
When it comes to your health, and the health of your thyroid, it’s the foods that you put into your body that provide the foundation for regulating your hormones, provide the necessary nutrients to help your cells produce adequate energy, and fuel every single process within your body. But, many people are ingesting more than just the foods they think they are eating. Many people are unknowingly ingesting toxins in their foods directly from their […]