Tag Archives: coconut oil

2 Simple Diet Tips for Turkey Day
Posted on 21. Nov, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
Tomorrow, millions of people will come together with their family and friends to spend time with loved ones they oftentimes don’t see often enough, and give thanks for the important things in life. Sometimes it can be difficult to be thankful for your health, especially when there are roadblocks like hypothyroidism and its many related diseases that are getting in the way of you feeling like your former healthy self. But it’s also important not […]
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The BEST Cooking Oil for Hypothyroidism
Posted on 30. Jul, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
It’s no secret that the rate of virtually every disease continues to rise year after year. In a previous post, I mentioned that oftentimes if you want to achieve the opposite results with your health, you must take opposite action. A perfect example of this can be seen by looking at the fats in your diet. Coconut oil is by far one of the best fats, or cooking oils, for hypothyroidism because of the fact […]