
Think You May Be Hypothyroid? There’s an App for That!
Posted on 10. Oct, 2012 by Tom Brimeyer.
Watch out doctors! You’re now being replaced by smart-phones. Let’s face it; at the pace that technology is advancing today, it’s only a matter of time before your smart phone will be able to diagnose your health problems before you can even look up your doctor’s phone number. (I just hope you are smart enough to add the optional medical mal-practice insurance to your smart phone plan just in case your phone get’s it wrong. […]
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Welcome to
Posted on 15. May, 2011 by Tom Brimeyer.
Let me be the first to welcome you to This is the latest project of mine that has been in the making and on the shelf for more than a year now. But I’ve committed myself to my personal mission: My Personal Mission: To inspire and educate more than 1 Million people to take control and achieve true health by finding and fixing the underlying cause of their health problems instead of being stuck […]